Do you work in SimCorp Dimension hard and experience challenges on a regular basis? In such case you definitely have some experience to share. Our weekly hints regarding SimCorp Dimension that might help you in your daily work are attached: Cross currency swaps differ from FX swaps The finance [...]
💲 Currency overlay plays a crucial role especially if you deal with a wide range of funds in your business operations. After economical crisis many regulations became stricter in terms of data disclosure. That also refers to the Look Through funds’ data. The constantly increasing [...]
🧊 Unitso team specializes on complex and challenging SimCorp Dimension projects. With 16 years of experience in system development and business consulting we enjoy building the high quality solutions for you, so that your business operations get fully automated. Today a speed of right decisions [...]
👓 Recently we were working on implementation of swaptions in SimCorp Dimension, and would like to share a few important moments to take into account when you deal with such an interesting derivative. 📚 First of all, as you might already see it from the instrument’s name, it’s a [...]